Jan 7Liked by MK Piatkowski

I don't feel a need to analyze this music. It's just fun. I like it. If I have a party, I'm playing this. I might have to download it.

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Yes, download it! It's an album I put on when I want some fun.

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MK, off topic, but are you aware of the current ‘Nazis’ issue here at Substack? Here are a couple of takeaways from Casey Newton’s post that I found compelling. Compelling to the point that I will be following him and you both to another site, should you be unable to change the 'Accountants' position.

Google >> Why Substack is at a crossroads - by Casey Newton (platformer.news)

"But turning a blind eye to recommended content almost always comes back to bite a platform. It was recommendations on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube that helped turn Alex Jones from a fringe conspiracy theorist into a juggernaut that could terrorize families out of their homes. It was recommendations that turned QAnon from loopy trolling on 4Chan into a violent national movement. It was recommendations that helped to build the modern anti-vaccine movement." - Casey Newton


"Our readers understand this. During the past couple weeks, dozens of paid subscribers to Platformer have canceled their memberships. “The reason is simple,” one of those readers wrote to us today. “I don't want to fund Nazis. I'm disturbed by a Substack leadership that looks at openly pro-Nazi content and says, ‘We won't de-platform you. In fact, we'll monetize you.’"

I find it VERY hard to disagree with either of them.

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I am aware, Peter. I have chosen to turn off monetization and look for my funding elsewhere. I am still open to switch later but I haven't found a platform yet that has the integrated audio functionality that is here.

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