Very interesting backstory on the song. It's great that he could make amends and let go of that past.

I don't know anything about the Take That situation, but mismanagement and exploitation comes up so often in musician autobiographies, including royalty theft, that I tend to expect to find it now. The music industry is a bit of a wild west.

Loved to see a woman keyboardist in the video!

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What was amazing to me was in researching all the headlines reporting it were some variation of Robbie clapping back when the message had such grace as he tried to clear up some things and even trying to bring some resolution. Yes, he says that he doesn't like him and they probably shouldn't speak again but on the other he says he loves him, thanks him for giving him his career start and urges every to be kind to him. There's no vitriol there. I was surprised but I guess that's British press for you.

I hadn't even noticed that detail about the keyboardist. It is nice to see.

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